This is exciting! 2021 is only a week old and we already have a new dog breed to show for it. Apparently, the American Kennel Club has added a new toy breed to their eligibility for competition, the Biewer Terrier. The Biewer, that’s pronounced “beaver,” is an adorable little long-haired number with a big ol’ handlebar mustache and a glorious layered mane that is sure to reintroduce the Rachel after next year’s show.
On Monday, the American Kennel Club announced recognition of a new dog breed, the Biewer Terrier.
The Biewer — pronounced like “beaver” — is eligible to compete in the toy group and marks the organization’s 197th recognized breed, according to a press release from the AKC.
The organization describes the small breed as a “happy-go-lucky dog with a childlike, whimsical attitude.”
“Their purpose is to love and be loved, making them excellent companions. These dogs are loyal and a friend to all they meet,” the AKC adds.
Of the Biewer Terrier, AKC Executive Secretary Gina DiNardo said in the press release that the group is “thrilled” to have the breed join the pack.
According to the release, receiving AKC Recognition gives the Biewer Terrier the opportunity to “compete at all levels of AKC-sanctioned events,” including the upcoming Westminster Kennel Club show in June.
The 4-to-8 pound breed got its name from a Yorkie-breeding German couple whose dog had a puppy born with rare white markings, the Associated Press reported.
OMGsh – these little guys are “whimsical.” Any Brooklyn 99 fans out there can already hear Captain Holt yelling at the television during the competition, “Of course she’s whimsical, you luddite! It’s part of the breed’s classification.” And “their purpose is to love and be loved” – their AKC bio reads like wrote it. They look like Seussian characters. And I love that their resting face looks like my mom when I’ve disappointed her:
“Seriously, Hecate – again?!”
According the article, they don’t need much exercise, which makes sense because their little legs are so short, they get their daily steps in just crossing the living room. But they do need major grooming. Uhm, duh – fabulous takes upkeep, you know. Lots of folks clip their coats short, which makes sense if the dog spends any time outside. That fur is just begging to get matted. However, if you have the energy, or a full-time doggie stylist on call, apparently Biewers are a great match for a variety of folks and households. They join the Barbet and the Dogo Argentino as the newest members of the AKC. Cannot wait to meet one of these little guys in person.
Note by CB: I added more Instagram pics to Hecate’s post! Some of these dogs are tagged Biewer Yorkies, but apparently what sets them apart from Yorkies is that they have three colors instead of just two.
Photo credit: Instagram