Notorious Casey Anthony keeps trying to hide but she has been found once again after even changing her hideout. Casey has been hiding somewhere in south Florida, but she fled last week by moving away because she started to fear for her own safety and is now hiding again.
Casey has been hiding in Florida ever since she was acquitted for murdering her own two-year-old daughter Caylee. But she’s been able to go out in public being unrecognizable due to how much weight she’s packed on throughout the years. This is a pretty smart move on her part to hide from the public, gain some weight then look like Jabba the Hutt. Though as you can tell, it didn’t really work for that long since she’s been found, again.
Casey is now on probation for about a year; this consists of her having to spend her life in Florida throughout the probation. Once Casey’s time on probation is up she’ll be fleeing from the State and head for Costa Rica. I seriously don’t know how she was given just probation for cashing bad cheques and nothing else for the involvement in her daughter’s murder.
Our source says, “Casey absolutely flipped out when she found out that private investigators hired by Zenaida Gonzalez (who is suing Anthony for defamation because Casey told Police Investigators that a woman with a similar name to hers kidnapped her daughter Caylee), discovered where she was.” Well her brilliant idea of being hidden did come to an end so I can see why she flipped out! Hell, I would flip out too if there were hate sites out there about me and the emotions were still so raw with the public over the crime that was committed against her daughter.
The private investigators were trying to get Casey served with a subpoena to actually appear at the trial, which will begin sometime around January for the defamation. Casey was going out at night but her cover was blown by those who saw her who alerted the investigators.
Casey’s very upset since she’s been found because she thought that she was finally safe in South Florida, damn is she ever paranoid, wonder why? Casey’s lawyer wants her to move again, no kidding; a lot of people are pissed about what happened to her daughter and the fact that nobody is going to pay for it. Casey will now be making what she hopes is her final move before the end of her probation to get the hell out of Florida. I have a feeling that this won’t be her final move, due to how paranoid she sounds and how pissed off people are.
Personally, I hope she stays in hiding, I can’t stand the sight of her and I’m sick of hearing about her.