The Dead Space remake instantly got fans immersed in its harrowing world. The game pits players against creepy creatures that roam in the stranded space shuttle. It provides players with efficient weapons that are more than capable of handling such threats. If fans wish to step up a notch with the chaos, they can opt for the Flamethrower.
Players can acquire this weapon in Chapter 3: Course Correction. Issac spots a soldier attached to the wall while pursuing the objective of manually igniting the engines. One can walk towards the dead soldier and pick up the Flamethrower. This weapon is hard to miss as it is visible on the way to the next main objective.
Acquiring and upgrading Flamethrower in Dead Space Remake
Flamethrower is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Fortunately, you can obtain this gun quite early. After activating Centrifuge, you must bring the engines online by manually igniting them. Getting the weapon is a part of that process. This mission takes place in the Engineering section.
Upgrading this handy weapon in Dead Space remake requires 25 nodes and collecting three upgrade components.
Nodes can level the weapon's effectiveness in terms of damage, capacity, reload time, and flame duration. Two of the three components must be collected while exploring, and the other can be purchased from the in-game store.
Gellified Hydrazine, the first upgrade component, can be bought for 11500 credits. It is available for purchase after Chapter 3, and you can interact with the store and buy it. Since it is in the early stages of the game, you must first decide whether you like the weapon before investing in its upgradation.
The second part of the upgrade is a Macroliter Fuel Tank which can be found in the Utility Room on the first floor of the Mining area. You need a level three security clearance to access this location. Once inside, you will find the component lying on the floor. You can look for a yellow orb that denotes its position.
To own the final upgrade, High-Pressure Nozzle, you should have a Master Override clearance. You must head to the first floor of the Crew Quarters. The desired room is beyond the bathroom doors. These are locked, and you must place the battery in the fuse box.
Unlocking the doors will give you access to the Deluxe Shifts Bunk area. Here you will find a lock box that requires Master Override clearance. Interacting with it will fetch you the High-Pressure Nozzle for the Flamethrower.
Investing in all the weapons may not be a good strategy in Dead Space. It is wise to stick to two or three of your choice and fully upgrade them. Flamethrower is ideal for dealing with necromorphs that spawn multiple smaller creatures. Using the weapon on them prevents them from spawning the little monsters.
Certain creatures have the ability to regenerate their limbs. Using Plasma Cutter on them burns through the ammo count faster. In such a scenario, the Flamethrower is an appropriate weapon that stunts their regeneration capabilities and helps you get rid of them faster.
Dead Space features many accessibility options like skipping gory scenes, aim assist, and more. Players can experiment with the five difficulty levels in the game, including the impossible mode. As the name suggests, this setting is similar to a permadeath mode wherein, on dying, one has to play the game from the beginning.
The game is garnering positive reviews from fans and critics. Sticking to the original’s roots has been a pivotal factor in its success. Dead Space remake also adds some new side quests, weapon tweaks, and gameplay mechanics that make it feel different from the original game.
Fans can delve into the Dead Space remake on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
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