
Dayot Upamecano - National team

Stats of Dayot Upamecano This snapshot overview displays all of the international games recorded for a particular player in the TM database. Under "Filter by national team", you can filter by appearances for senior national team(s) and appearances for U-xx teams. This will also cause the corresponding information to be shown under "Detailed stats". By clicking on the "Detailed" tab, you can view further details (e.g. substitutions on and off, penalty goals, etc.

Digger Manes Blood Disease: Unraveling The Mystery

Digger Manes Blood Disease is a rare and perplexing condition that has puzzled medical professionals for decades. This enigmatic disease affects the blood cells of those afflicted, leading to a myriad of symptoms and complications. The origins of this illness remain shrouded in mystery, with no concrete answers or cures in sight. Individuals with Digger Manes Blood Disease often experience a range of symptoms, including fatigue, pale skin, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Ex-NFL Running Back Ronnie Hillman Enters Hospice Care

Ex-NFL star Ronnie Hillman is in hospice as he faces a rare form of cancer. Hillman's former Denver Broncos teammate, Orlando Franklin, asked Broncos fans to send their positive thoughts to Hillman via Twitter on December 20. Franklin wrote, "#BroncosCountry please pray for Ronnie Hillman he's in hospice and not doing well." Derek Wolfe, another former teammate of Hillman's, is a contributor to 104.3 The Fan and detailed Hillman's condition during a December 20 show. "He's got bad liver cancer, and he's in hospice now,"

Hailee Steinfeld's Parents: A Blend Of Cultures

Get all the inside scoop on Hailee Steinfeld's family background, including her parents' nationalities and fascinating heritage. Have you ever wondered about the origins of Hailee Steinfeld's captivating looks? Behind her talent and charm lies a blend of nationalities that shaped her unique identity. Let's dive into the details and uncover the story behind Hailee Steinfeld's parents' nationalities. Cheri Domasin, Hailee's mother, hails from the Philippines, bringing a touch of Southeast Asian heritage to the family.

Hari Nef's Elle Magazine Cover Is Definitely A Step In The Right Direction

Hari Nef was recently featured on the cover of Elle Magazine (the upcoming September 2016 issue). It marks the first time a “transgender woman has been on the cover of a major commercial British magazine”. Apart from her lavishing beauty, Nef has made it clear she does not appreciate the belittlings and scrutiny of transgender individuals. In an Elle interview, she stated that the issue at hand goes much deeper than expected.