First try to imagine a straight line between the luff and the leech, and then take another imaginary line, perpendicular to this, to the fullest point of the sail.
This distance, measures the fullness of your sail – and that is your draft.
The point along your imaginary luff-leech line at which the draft depth is greatest is called your draft position. Different sailing conditions require different draft depths and positions. If your draft position is forward (ie nearer to the luff), you can’t point as high into the wind, but it makes it easier to steer, so it is a good position for inexperienced sailors, or if sailing in rough conditions.
By comparison, if your draft is aft, you will be able to point higher, but is more difficult to steer, with a tendency to stall more often. So draft aft is best suited to experienced sailors or milder conditions.
By trimming the sail in a certain way you can adjust the position and depth of the draft, to make it more suitable for you and your type of sailing. Modern sails are designed to automatically give some level of fullness or draft but for the truly personalised option, you can have a set of sails designed specifically for you, incorporating a draft depth and position that is optimum for you and your boat.
Another problem we have to overcome when establishing the correct sail shape is caused by the fact that wind speed and strength increase with height, so there will be more force on the head of your sail than the foot. To counter this, trim the sail to make it fuller towards the head, by adjusting the kicker, the mainsheet and the position of the traveller on the track. This is called twisting the sail.