With eyes…there is light in life. This summer, practice these simple things in your daily lifestyle to keep eyes healthy and fresh.
No matter which type of workout you pick, yoga or aerobics, you shall always find that a few exercises are dedicated especially to eyesight health. This is how important eyes are. We all know how boring exercises can be and so we are keeping this article free from any workout tips. Instead, we bring to you simple ideas that shall keep your eyes fresh and healthy all summer long.
1. Always Wear Sunglasses When You Head Out: The increase in global warming is causing a gradual depletion of the ozone layer. Ozone layer is responsible to filter the harmful rays of the sun before it reaches the Earth but the layer is unable to serve its role completely because of thinning of the layer caused by various types of pollutants. These rays can be blinding. In summers just a few seconds in mid day sun can leave your eyes exhausted. It is therefore important that you always wear sunglasses when you go out during the day. On an important note, always buy branded sunglasses that guarantee an effective guard against the sun. Bad quality sunglasses can actually harm your eyes.
2. Use Eye-Drops: You should use eye drops that shall clear the dirt from your eyes and give them an instant refreshing feeling. These can be easily bought from the local chemist shop. Many eye-care drops are available over the counter. If you do not have a history of any eye related condition / problem then you can safely use OTC eye drops. Still, it is always better to get eye drops prescribed from an ophthalmologist.
3. Use an Eye Tonic: If you wear numbered glasses, then it is very important for you to take an eye tonic periodically. Even otherwise you must use eye tonic because these preparations are not just good for weak eyes but also assist in keeping healthy eyes strong. By using an eye tonic you can certainly see improvement in strength of your eyes. People who work for lengthy hours on computer must use eye tonics every day.
4. Soft Cold Pressing of the Eyes at Bedtime: Nothing can give your eyes more relief from scorching effects of than sun than soft cold press. In a hand towel, wrap 1-2 ice cubes. Gently press these on the eyes and the area around it. Your eyes may feel a gentle burn but within a few seconds you shall begin to feel relief. Keep doing this till the cubes melt completely. This shall not take more than 10 minutes. Get up the next morning to see fresh eyes that are free from dark circles and have a healthy twinkle in them.
5. Splash Cold Water in-between Working Hours: Unless you are wearing a makeup look that you want should last till evening, we strongly recommend that you wash your face and splash water into open eyes during day time with cold water (not ice cold water, though). Cold water instantly relaxes any stress in the eyes.
6. Take Cod-liver Oil Supplements: Eye supplements are the new rage in healthcare industry, but we are promoting these for all the right reasons. Apart from taking an eye tonic, you must also consume these incredibly strong supplements. Unless you have a health concern that restricts you from taking these supplements you must consume these at least once in a year.
7. Get a Good Night’s Sleep: If you really want to keep your eyes healthy then have a proper sleeping schedule and follow it religiously. Also, it is important that you sleep for at least 6-8 hours every night to regain full eye strength. Many people find it hard to get proper night sleep in summers because of humidity and the perspiration that it causes. We suggest that you may take a cold shower right before hitting the bed. Use of calming fragrances like lavender, jasmine and rose greatly help in getting a good sleep. These shall aid in making you fall asleep fast.
While practicing these things you may feel that you are putting in a lot of effort but remember that these are all going to be worth it. Eyes are everything. You can surely do just a few things for your eyesight, right?!