Thomaz Bellucci

Bellucci in 2016, photo by Maxisports/ Birth Name: Thomaz Cocchiarali Bellucci Place of Birth: Tiet, So Paulo, Brazil Date of Birth: December 30, 1987 Ethnicity: Brazilian [Italian, possibly other]

Bellucci in 2016, photo by Maxisports/

Birth Name: Thomaz Cocchiarali Bellucci

Place of Birth: Tietê, São Paulo, Brazil

Date of Birth: December 30, 1987

Ethnicity: Brazilian [Italian, possibly other]

Thomaz Bellucci is a Brazilian professional tennis player.

He was born in Tietê, São Paulo, the son of Maria Regina Cocchiarali and Ildebrando Placido Bellucci. He was raised in the city of São Paulo. Both Thomaz’s surnames are of Italian origin. Ildebrando’s grandparents moved from Italy to Brazil in 1890.

Source: (in Portuguese)

